
Showing posts from July, 2024

THROUGH THE FOG (journaling)

The 'flying bikes' scene, from the 1982 film 'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial' Bicycle Chase | E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial | Science Fiction Station - YouTube 10. 11:08 PM (7/28/24): 2000s iconic fingerpicking - YouTube Creed - One Last Breath ('guitar cover,' for the introduction) NOTE: Legend has it, that this instrumental... the tune, that plays by the campfires... ...of E.T.'s home world... (an 'E.T.' spiritual, of 'peace, brotherhood... ...and hope, for a better future') 6:46 AM (7/29/24):, a different galaxy...  [it's estimated, that there are 125 billion galaxies - 125,000,000,000... the 'observable universe'... ...and 2 trillion (16 times as many)... the greater extent, of the universe... Our galaxy, the Milky Way... '1' ... ...and after checking 10 others, there's a lot more... check] 7:04 AM (7/29/24): If E.T. became human, E.T. would probably be like 'this dude': Day 2 o