
Showing posts from February, 2022


#1 - THE MYSTERY OF LIFE December 07, 2021   10:22 AM (12/7/21): "Above is a photo I snapped, from 7/5/20 at 8:10 AM... outside my former apartment complex (Vanguard Crossing)... I had taken a break, from jotting down some insights... pertaining to my 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation,' at the time... after having consumed a tasty breakfast..." - Michael Izuchukwu   10:26 AM (12/7/21): "The morning of 7/5/20, I had eaten some eggs ('omelette-style') with orange juice (as was customary, when I lived there)..." - Michael Izuchukwu   11:28 AM (12/7/21):  "Life is like riding a bicycle... In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving..." - Albert Einstein Life is like riding a bicycle - Albert Einstein - YouTube   "The ideal means of living, is assuredly rooted in that which is spiritual... The pathway to 'eternal life,' has intrinsic value... but can only be found, if sought... ...even though not all